We offer advice on medication, vaccination and general health care to enable you to plan your holiday safely. A holiday vaccination form is available from reception (or can be downloaded from the next page) and where possible it is advisable to complete this two months prior to your departure date. This will give the nurse enough time to check your current immunisation status and the requirements for your destination and return the form to you so appointments can be made if needed. Some vaccinations need to be given at least four weeks in advance to ensure cover. The NHS does not cover the cost of all medication needed for overseas travel and there may be a charge.
Before you travel, it’s important to find out whether you will need vaccinations for the country you’re visiting. The following websites will help you.
• Travel Health
• Fit for Travel
• Masta
• Gov.uk for specific country travel advice
EHIC to apply for your free European Health Insurance Card
Patients planning visits abroad for either business or holidays are asked to book an initial 20 min appointment with the Practice Nurse well in advance of the proposed departure date. (A charge for certain vaccinations will be made). Alternatively, these services are readily available at certain Pharmacies and Private Clinics – contact your local pharmacy for more information.