My Medication

I need to request medication

I have a question about my medication

I am a visitor

Please contact your Practice back at home – they have access to your health record and are best placed to help you for safety reasons.

Your home Practice should be able to send your prescription electronically, to a pharmacy local to where you are staying.

Managing my Medication

Please ensure you make requests for prescriptions at least a few days before your medication runs out.

The surgery requires 2 working days (48hours) for repeat prescriptions to be furnished, however you should allow 5 working days from request to collection to allow the community pharmacies time to order and dispense your prescription.

Any requests for additional items, which are not on repeat, have to be authorised by the doctor. You should normally allow 5 working days for medication not on repeat.

In order to eliminate mistakes prescriptions may not be requested over the telephone but can be ordered online by registering for our online services. Alternatively repeat prescriptions can be ordered through your usual community pharmacy or via post.

Save Time Collecting Prescriptions

Electronic Prescription Service (EPS) sends your prescription electronically direct to your preferred pharmacy.  Complete this form to let us know which Pharmacy you would like us to send your prescription to.

If your name has changed due to Marriage or by Deed Poll, can you please provide us with a copy of the appropriate document (requirement of Department of Health).
DD slash MM slash YYYY
Responses we send will go to this email address
How do you wish to be known?
Would you have any objection to being reminded by text for appointments / health checks?

Have Your medication Synchronised So It Is All Due At The Same Time

If you receive support from a friend, relative or paid professional please let us know, so that we can involve them appropriately in your care.
DD slash MM slash YYYY
Responses we send will go to this email address
Is the person who cares for you a patient at this Practice?
How much would you like your carer involved in your care?

I regularly forget to request my medication, or I leave it to the last minute

Let the Receptionist/Prescription Clerk know you would like to have your medication managed by the Practice (batched).  The Practice Pharmacist/or a GP will then see if we can pre-authorise some, or all of your medication, for up to a year – you then only need to go to your preferred pharmacy to collect it as instructed.

I am concerned about, or suffering from, medication side effects

If you are concerned about, or suffering from, medication side effects:

  • Use e-Consult and you will be directed to the appropriate support
  • Ask your local pharmacy
  • Call 111